Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Dick Diet - Contents of the Book

Here's a preliminary outline of the book chapters:

Introduction: Erectile dysfunction is described as a major health issue confronting a sizeable and growing population of men in the United States and throughout the world. The chapter defines erectile dysfunction, how it is measured and presents the author’s primary research findings. The purpose of the book - to encourage men to live healthier lifestyles is explained. The study of the nutrition and lifestyle habits and the sexual function of male respondents illustrates the magnitude and true nature of the problem and why this is an important work. The introduction concludes with chapter overviews.

Chapter 1 – Getting It Up: This chapter explains the anatomy and physiology behind how the erection process works. The physical processes (anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, nervous system and endocrine system) and the mental and emotional processes are detailed. How the erection process is designed to work and where it can go wrong is explored through a discussion of the types of erectile dysfunction and an understanding of the origin of the chemicals required for healthy functioning and what foods produce them. Most men (and women) are completely unaware of the complexities of this process and the fine tuning involved.

Chapter 2 – Keeping It Up: This chapter describes the risk factors associated with erectile dysfunction. It describes what they are and how they relate and compare to one another. An analysis and discussion is presented of each: age, alcohol consumption, diet, male hormones, inflammation and obesity, sedentary lifestyle, cholesterol, prescription drugs, smoking, stress, motorcycle riding, vascular diseases (endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, coronary artery disease, and cardiovascular disease), metabolic syndrome, diabetes, neuropathy, depression, lower urinary tract symptoms, prostate conditions.

Chapter 3 – The Dick Diet Foods: nutritional therapies for erectile dysfunction: In this chapter the first element of The Dick Diet is introduced – food. The Dick Diet foods and consumption guidelines are described. Rosen’s Five Rites of Nutrition are introduced and explained. We are what we eat, we are what we eat eats, we are what we digest, we eat what we are, and the importance of balance and moderation. The relationship of specific foods to specific chemicals needed by the body for the erection process to work efficiently is described.

Chapter 4 – The Dick Diet Supplements: herbal and supplement therapies for erectile dysfunction: This chapter provides an explanation of the various herbs and supplements that are used around the world to treat erectile dysfunction. Herbs discussed are: ashwagandha, ginkgo, ginseng, horny goat weed, maca, rhodiola rosea, saw palmetto, tongkat ali, tribulus, and yohimbe. Supplements discussed are: L-arginine, Omega 3 fatty acids, and anti-oxidants (pycnogenol, grape seed extract, red wine extract, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E). The reader will learn what they are, how they work, why they work. This chapter will also include a discussion of allopathic treatments such as devices, surgeries and pharmaceuticals and why natural therapies are preferred.

Chapter 5 – The Dick Diet Lifestyle: exercise and relaxation therapies for erectile dysfunction. This chapter will explore the importance of both exercise and relaxation and how they relate to erectile dysfunction. Exercise techniques such as cardiovascular training, burst training, and yoga are discussed along with breathing and meditation techniques for relaxation.

Chapter 6 – The Dick Diet: sample diet and menus.


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Monday, February 15, 2010

The Dick Diet - The Book is Coming

Yes, I'm working on a book called The Dick Diet which this blog will accompany. The book is an active project so many of the posts will highlight what I am writing about. Here's a quick summary of what the book is all about:

•The purpose of the book is to show the relationship between nutrition (defined as diet, supplementation, exercise, and relaxation) and men’s health (specifically erectile functioning). The goal is to encourage men to take action and follow this plan to optimize their health and sexual performance.

•The core message regarding the association between nutrition and erectile dysfunction is compelling enough to get a man’s (and a woman’s) attention.

•There are other books on the market about erectile dysfunction. This book is decidedly different. While other books focus on medical treatments (surgeries and pharmaceuticals) for erectile dysfunction, this book focuses on prevention and natural remedies including healthy food, nutritional supplements, and herbs.

•It is my belief that current messages warning of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancer from lifestyle have not been effective in changing behavior. It is my belief that delivering the message through the vehicle of their very “manhood” will drive it home and behavioral changes will occur.

•The book will help men improve their overall health and encourage men to accept responsibility for their own health. It will provide alternative ideas to medications for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

•The book is not intended to be a “diet” book or a “cook” book, although it will contain dietary and cooking advice. This is not a “diet” but a way of life.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Erectile Dysfunction is not caused by aging

Erectile dysfunction is not caused by aging. So, guys (and gals) don't accept someone telling you, “it is because you're getting old”. Studies show that disease (and erectile dysfunction) is not a function of age, but of overall health. Age only becomes important if you've been proliferating bad habits over an extended period of time.

Erectile dysfunction means you are not healthy. It is a major warning signal for other diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease. Studies show a direct correlation between ED and CVD. So, if you've got ED, you might want to get your heart checked out. In a way, ED is the body’s way of not allowing reproduction. The body is inherently smart. It knows that you (the daddy) need to be healthy and around for the child to have an optimal upbringing.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction - The Link

Have you ever wondered why there seem to be so many advertisements for erectile dysfunction (ED) medication - Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra - on television and in the magazines you are reading? I did, and began an investigation that would ultimately become my Doctoral dissertation. The reason is quite simple – there is a lot of erectile dysfunction (ED). Over 30 million men in the United States suffer from it. ED affects over 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70 and the incidence of complete ED triples between those ages. Even more disconcerting, experts expect cases of ED to more than double over the next 25 years.

Erectile dysfunction imposes significant social costs. It impacts a man’s satisfaction with his life and his relationship with others. Studies show that sexual intimacy is desired by older adults. A study in 29 countries consisting of 27,000 men and women aged 40 to 80 found less than 20% of the respondents agreed with the statement “older people no longer want sex”. Due to the rising incidence of erectile dysfunction many couples will not be able to enjoy healthy sexual relations in their later years.

Why is erectile dysfunction on the rise? Many researchers, including this author, believe it is a direct result of poor dietary habits and lifestyle choices. For many years it was thought that ED was mostly psychological, but recent studies have shown that over 80% of ED is due to physical causes. For the erectile process to function correctly several systems of the body need to be healthy – blood needs to be flowing smoothly and unobstructed throughout the body, nerves need to be firing and sending messages between the brain and the relevant body parts, and libido needs to be present to encourage sexual interest. All of these systems require proper nutrition to correctly function.

To better understand the causes of ED we can look at the scientifically documented risk factors. Risk factors related to lifestyle choices include alcohol consumption, diet, hormone levels, inflammation, obesity, sedentary (lack of exercise) lifestyle, cholesterol levels, use of prescription drugs, tobacco smoking, stress, and (yes) motorcycling. There is also a strong association between ED and the medical diagnoses of depression, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Studies show that most men with ED suffer from these conditions which are often a direct result of the same lifestyle choice risk factors previously listed. In fact, the connection has been made that ED is often a warning sign for cardiovascular disease.

So, how is this all related to diet and nutrition? For the body to operate optimally it needs the right nutrients. Many studies have shown the connection between a poor diet and all the risk factors and conditions listed above. Diets that are high in sugars, refined grains, processed meat and dairy; while low in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats produce these conditions. Once men are placed on healthier diets, their symptoms of ED are reduced and often completely eliminated. Through proper nutrition, regular exercise, and sometimes with the help of specific supplements proper erectile functioning can be restored.

Many people will ask, “What’s wrong with using medications”? My answer is while the medications will work in most cases, there are side effects, some of which can be quite dangerous. But even more important, the medication is not repairing the underlying condition. Erectile dysfunction is your body telling you that something is not quite right and needs your attention. It is your warning sign to take action before a more serious or life threatening event occurs.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. He is an expert in the field of Nutrition and Erectile Dysfunction. His office is in Thiensville, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at bernie@brwellness.com, call (262) 389-9907 or go to www.brwellness.com.