Sunday, November 3, 2013

Meet Your Hormones: The Endocrine System - Part 1

Many experts would argue that among your body’s functional systems the most important is the endocrine system.  It is composed of glands (the endocrine glands) that produce hormones that control everything that is happening in our body. So, it’s time to meet your hormones.  Or, as one of my favorite clients called them: her “horror-mones!”

Hormones are very powerful biological chemicals that are produced in very small amounts by our endocrine glands.  They are released into the blood stream and carried to specific cells where they initiate specific activities.  They regulate, control, and coordinate all body functions.  Many hormones are made at additional tissue sites as well as their “parent” gland.  You can think of this as your body’s own inherent back-up system.  They are powerful in very tiny amounts so their levels are precisely and carefully monitored and controlled by the body.

Hormones from the different endocrine glands interact with each other in complex ways to coordinate the body’s systems.  One of the best illustrations of this I have seen is from endocrinologist Dr. Henry Harrower.  You can see this below or follow this link: 

Proper nutrition is critical for the endocrine glands.  Each of the major glands relies on a specific trace mineral to support its normal physiology and biochemistry.  We consume these trace minerals when we eat real foods from both plant and animal sources. If we do not consume sufficient amounts of these minerals the glands will not function properly which will ultimately lead to a variety of symptoms in the body.  More on this later when we look at each gland.

The endocrine gland and its associated trace mineral are as follows: pituitary (manganese); thyroid (iodine); adrenal (copper); pancreas (chromium); prostate/uterus (zinc); and testes/ovaries (selenium).  The other major endocrine glands are the hypothalamus, pineal, parathyroid, thymus, and believe it or not – your fat cells.

A few more basics about hormones to provide you with additional background.  On each human cell are receptor sites.  You can think of these as ‘gates” located on the cell membrane that control the entry of hormones and other bio-chemicals into the cells.  These receptors determine if and how effectively a hormone message is received.  

There are a variety of scenarios in which these sites are not functioning optimally.  They can become “resistant” to the hormone meaning more of the hormone is required to deliver the message.  You may have heard of the term “insulin resistance” a condition that often precedes diabetes.  In other cases an excess of one hormone may block the gate of another, or another substance may mimic a hormone and block a receptor site (this is called a xenohormone). 

Hormones exist in two formats in the blood stream.  Protein-bound hormones are considered inactive (as they are bound to a protein).  “Free” hormones are the active form that is able to bind to cell receptors and initiate the cellular response.  

The main control of the endocrine system rests in the hypothalamus-pituitary axis (or H-P axis).  The hypothalamus is part of the limbic system so it is in the brain and receives information which it relays to the pituitary.  The pituitary is also known as “the master gland” because it sends information to all the endocrine glands based on what it has learned from the hypothalamus. 

In Part 2 of this article we will take a brief look at each gland, the hormone(s) it produces, and the basic function of those hormones.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Eat These Too! Ten More Foods to Nourish Your Body

In my last article I talked about my ten favorite healthy foods and received lots of positive feedback.  The truth is there are many healthy foods to eat.  So, I decided to discuss another ten foods to include in your healthy diet.  Again, they are in no special order.  They are all healthy foods that I recommend you eat on a regular basis, unless you are allergic. 

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable.  Other crucifers include cabbage, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, and Swiss chard.  They are all good for you.  Broccoli is a great source of protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, beta-carotene, and vitamin A.  It contains isothiocynanates that fight cancer and carotenoids that reduce macular degeneration.  Also, it is one of the vegetables least contaminated by pesticides, so you don’t have to buy it organic.

Garlic is a wonderful herb to add to foods.  Not only does it keep away vampires, but it has been shown to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clots, protect against cancer, and can be useful in weight control.  According to Jonny Bowden in his book The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth, over 1,200 studies have shown garlic to be fat-lowering, anti-clotting, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiparasitic, and an antioxidant.

If you are going to eat a starchy vegetable sweet potatoes are the ones to have.  They are a great source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamin A, potassium, and calcium.  One sweet potato contains one-half of the daily requirements of vitamin C.  They also contain quercetin, a strong anti-inflammatory.  As a starchy vegetable they will raise blood sugar levels, so diabetics or pre-diabetics, are advised to limit their consumption.

Eggs, yes eggs, and yes the whole egg.  They are a great source of protein containing all nine essential amino acids.  “Essential” in nutrition talk means your body does not make it so you must eat it.  They have vitamins and minerals that help the eyes, brain, and heart.  They have also been found to be protective against breast cancer.  Don’t worry about the cholesterol – but that is for another article!

Whey protein comes from milk. It is a dairy product, so some people may be sensitive to it.  I have it almost every morning as part of my nutritious breakfast.  However, you must be very careful with your selection of this product.  You want a good quality whey protein.  Look for whey protein isolate as opposed to whey protein concentrate.  Also, you’d like the whey to come from cows that were not given growth or other hormones and fed on natural grass pastures.  Many “health” powders contain artificial flavors and artificial sweeteners – so beware.

Looking for healthy drinks?  Of course water is number one, but I also like unsweetened cranberry juice and tea.  One of the country’s leading nutritionists, Ann Louise Gittleman utilizes unsweetened cranberry juice at the core of her Fat Flush diet.  The key here is unsweetened.  It contains many vitamins and is helpful in relieving urinary tract infections.  How does it do this?  It prevents bacteria from adhering to bladder cells.  Tea is another healthy drink.  Both green tea and black tea are known for fighting cancer, while black tea improves blood vessel function and can lower cholesterol.

Olive oil is a healthy fat.  It is best used in salad dressings along with vinegar.  Please buy extra virgin olive oil, it is the healthiest form.  “Extra virgin” means it is from the first pressing and has limited processing.  Olive oil is high in healthy fats, particularly oleic acid, which is good for the heart. 

Brown rice is a whole grain and a healthy alternative to white rice.  I also like the pasta made from it – a healthy alternative to refined and processed white pasta.  As a whole grain it is a great source of fiber, the B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, and selenium.

For a red meat alternative try free-range buffalo.  It is an excellent source of protein and has less fat than beef.  And, being free-range there are no hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals added.  Being grass fed, it is source of omega-3 fatty acids, ideal for those of you who aren’t fond of fish.

So, there you have it, ten more foods that are part of a healthy diet.  If you’d like more ideas about healthy foods I strongly recommend Jonny Bowden’s book that I referred to above.  He also has a great newsletter.  You can subscribe at 

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator.   His office is in Mequon, WI.  To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call (262) 389-9907, e-mail or go to

Monday, August 19, 2013

Ten Foods to Enjoy and Nourish Your Body

My theme for this summer is simplicity.  My last article was three simple things you can do to improve your health.  Today let’s answer a simple question – what should I eat?  I’ll keep the answer simple – eat these ten foods (and as a bonus I throw in a few more!)  The ten are in no special order.  They are all healthy foods that I recommend you eat on a regular basis, unless of course you are allergic.  These foods emphasize what lacks in many American diets – vegetables and fruit for vitamins and minerals to fuel our metabolism, and healthy fats that are sources of Omega 3’s and vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Blueberries taste great and are loaded with vitamins and minerals.  Blueberries have been found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.  They are low in fructose.  From previous articles you know while fruit is healthy, we still need to watch it.  “Natural sugar” is still sugar.  A healthy target is less than 25 grams of fructose per day.  Blueberries freeze well so you can stock up while they are fresh during the summer and use them year round.  All berries are great, so include strawberries, raspberries, and cherries in your diet as well.

We all know the old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”  In addition to vitamins and minerals, apples are a great source of pectin which helps to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar.  When I talk about apples, I mean the whole fruit.  Apple juice is mostly sugar, lacking the fiber you get from the whole fruit.  Soon will be a great time to get our local apples – fresh and delicious!

Kale is a leafy green vegetable loaded with Vitamin K, calcium, iron, Vitamins A and C, protein, and fiber.  It is best steamed or lightly stir fried.  Leafy greens should be a staple in your diet.  Others to try are Swiss chard, beet greens, mustard greens, collard greens, and spinach.

Quinoa (keen-wah) is a gluten free whole grain (actually a seed) so it is an excellent choice for those who have gluten allergies or are gluten intolerant.  It can be made into flour and used in cereals, breads, and pastas.  It is loaded with minerals that we need for a healthy metabolism - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, manganese, zinc, and iron.  And a great source of fiber.  Quinoa is unique in the land based plant world as it is the only one that is a complete protein, so it is great for vegetarians and others who are trying to reduce their meat intake.

Almonds are a healthy source of good fat, protein, and dietary fiber.  They make an excellent snack (please, just a handful).  The main nutrients are phosphorus, Vitamin E, and magnesium.  Other nuts for your short list are walnuts and pecans.  And men, don’t forget your pumpkin seeds – a great source of zinc for prostate health.

Wild salmon is the way to get our Omega 3 essential fatty acids.  Omega 3’s are anti-inflammatory.  Salmon is a great source of protein as well.  Avoid farm raised or Atlantic salmon.  What makes wild salmon healthy and red in color is what it eats in the wild – krill and shrimp that are loaded with antioxidants.  Farm raised salmon is not naturally red, a food dye is added.  Other good fish sources include sardines, mackerel, eel, and tuna.

Avocado is a fruit, and one of the few fruits that contains fat.  It has oleic acid, better known as Omega 9, which lowers blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol.  It also has lutein which is great for eye health.  Avocado is a great source of fiber, potassium, folate, Vitamin A, and beta-carotene.

Kefir is one that you may not have heard of.  It is a lacto-fermented dairy product.  Think of it as drinkable yogurt.  Similar to yogurt it contains beneficial bacteria which aid our digestion.  Your best bet is to buy plain versions and add your own fruit.  If you have a dairy allergy you can use coconut milk or coconut water kefir.

Coconut oil is a healthy saturated fat and the best oil to use when cooking food.  It maintains its properties from high heat.  Most other oils oxidize from heat and when we eat them they increase inflammation.  Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid.  That means it is metabolizes faster and is used for energy by the body, and not stored as fat.  It also contains lauric acid which is anti-bacterial and anti-microbial, and is known to be good for the thyroid gland.

Butter is also a healthy saturated fat, particularly when it is organic and comes from a grass fed cow.  It contains the fat soluble vitamins E, K, and D.  It also has CLA (conjugated linolenic acid) that helps fight weight gain and butyric acid which is anti-viral and anti-cancer.  For those with an allergy to the dairy protein casein, ghee (clarified butter) is an equally healthy option.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Three Simple Things You Can Do To Improve Your Health

While you may not be ready to follow my advice 100% of the time (even I don’t follow my advice 100% of the time) here are three simple things you can do which will have profound effects on improving your health and how you feel on a daily basis.

Make Water Your Beverage of Choice

Making water your beverage of choice has two significant impacts.  First, most people simply do not drink enough water.  Water is essential to life.  Our body is made of lots of water and our body utilizes it in many complex chemical reactions that are the basis of life.  Of course this leads to the next logical questions – how much and what kind?

How much water should you drink?  That will vary with how much water you eat (yes vegetables, fruit, and even meat contain water).  My rule of thumb – if you are running to the bathroom every 30 minutes you are probably drinking too much water!  What kind of water should you drink?  Yes, we hear about the chlorine, fluoride, chemical, industrial waste, antibiotics, and hormone residues in our drinking water supplies; the BPA in the plastic bottles; and all the different kinds of water systems you can have installed in your house (reverse osmosis, oxygenated, etc).  It can become overwhelming.  

 My advice is to just drink water and not necessarily worry about all that stuff.  I really don’t think too many people have gotten ill and died from drinking too much water on a regular basis.  The heart of the issue is more likely all the other toxins we consume which eventually overwhelms our body’s ability to detoxify itself.  Yes, filtered water that you drink from a glass container is probably optimal, but the simple first step is to drink more water.

The second benefit of water as your choice of beverage is that you drink less of other unhealthy choices such as: soda (both diet and regular), fruit juices (yes, even those with “no added sugar” are still loaded with sugar), and some other ones that I won’t mention here as they are more controversial (okay, I’ll mention them – soy, other processed “milks” and pasteurized milk as well).  Perhaps some of you will even drink less alcohol. 

Make Your Own Sweet Treats

While it would be best to eliminate sugary treats at least if you make them at home you can avoid among the worst ingredients being used in commercial baking – white sugar, white flour, and trans-fats.  You can substitute with raw cane sugar, maple syrup, or stevia for white sugar; you can use organic butter or coconut oil rather than margarine, soybean oil, vegetable oil, or other trans-fats; you can use almond flour, coconut flour, gluten-free or whole wheat flour rather than white flour; and you can use organic pastured eggs.  

Among the unhealthiest foods you can consume are white sugar, white flour, and trans-fats which are prevalent in commercial baked goods.  While I am not advocating mass consumption of the alternative I suggested, at least it is healthier, and you can control the ingredients.

Alternate Omelets (eggs) and Protein Shakes for Breakfast

As I’ve written in previous articles protein is an extremely important nutrient due to the many functions it serves.  While it is presented in the main stream that Americans eat too much protein, the actual truth is that most do not eat sufficient protein.  One of the main reasons for this is what our food manufacturers have decided to call breakfast foods – cereals, waffles, pancakes, bagels, muffins, and a whole variety of other processed foods.  These products (notice how I won’t call them foods!) are typically all carbohydrate and no protein.   

Therefore, to start the day in a healthy manner and to provide your body what it needs, I recommend a breakfast based in protein.  Protein shakes made with fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and oils or omelets (eggs and vegetables) are the ideal foods to “break the fast.”

Once again we see two benefits here - one from inclusion and one from exclusion.  Inclusion is eating the healthy and body building proteins.  Exclusion is not eating high sugar and fat storing carbohydrates.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Antioxidant Myth

We are all familiar with the antioxidant story.  We develop all kinds of diseases because we don’t get enough antioxidants.  Those evil particles called free radicals cause us to age and become diseased.  However, by taking antioxidant supplements we can kill the free radicals and not get sick.  In fact, we can even cure our disease with these miracle pills.  We are also told that vitamins are antioxidants.  For example, Vitamin C and Vitamin E are often mentioned in this manner. 

Well, what if this wasn’t quite true?  As you probably guessed, since I’m writing about this topic – it isn’t!  It is another nutrition myth that has become ingrained in our thinking.  If you think about it oxygen is probably the most important nutrient on the planet.  Without it there is no life!  Why would we want to consume something that is anti-oxygen?  If I have three people and one will get no food, one no water, and one no air for the next day which one do you not want to be?  Yes, the answer is rather obvious.

Our story begins in 1954 with Dr. Denham Harman and his free radical theory of aging.  He was conducting research on the effects of free radicals produced by radiation.  He concluded that these free radicals accelerated cell death (aging) which contributed to cancer, heart disease, and a host of other diseases.  Further experiments in test tubes showed that antioxidants, such as Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), could slow down this aging process. 

However, this is where the story goes off course.  We must understand that even though the government allows you to say so, alpha tocopherol is not Vitamin E and ascorbic acid is not Vitamin C.  Alpha tocopherol and ascorbic acid are fractions of the full vitamin complex as they appear in nature.  They are produced in laboratories.  Without going into all the details here I’ll make this simple.  We all know that scurvy is a Vitamin C deficiency.  The British sailors used lemons and limes to prevent scurvy.  Well, guess what happens if you give ascorbic acid to someone with scurvy?  They will die.  They need the full Vitamin C complex as it is in nature, not the fractionated part made in a lab.  The tocopherols and ascorbic acid are actually a preservative whose role in nature is to protect the complete vitamin complex.

To repeat, real vitamins are complexes found in nature in real food (animal and plant).  Synthetic vitamins act as preservatives.  This has nothing to do with a nutrient.

So what then is the purpose of the free radical?  It is designed to fight an infection.  Free radicals do not damage tissues, infection does.  Free radicals are designed to kill bacteria and fungi, not human tissue.  In fact, the body is producing free radicals to protect itself.

Many researchers have attempted to show the benefits of antioxidants and have discovered the exact opposite results.  In specific studies:
1.      Antioxidants did not prevent gastrointestinal cancers and increased overall mortality.
2.      High dosage synthetic Vitamin E supplementation increased all cause mortality.
3.      Long term synthetic Vitamin E supplementation did not prevent cancer or heart disease and increased the risk of heart failure.
4.      Use of beta carotene (synthetic Vitamin A) increased stroke risk by 62%.
5.      Use of alpha tocopherol (synthetic Vitamin E) increased risk of cerebral infarction by 113%.
6.      Use of alpha tocopherol increased risk of head and neck cancers.

Why these results?  Because in real life these antioxidants (these isolated fractions from vitamins produced synthetically in laboratories) are oxygen inhibitors and we need oxygen for life!

You may say that you’ve used antioxidant supplements and they make you feel better.  Well, that may be true for a short period of time.  Antioxidants drive oxygen from the blood to the tissues.  In the short term this benefits the tissue, but in the long term is creates a shortage of oxygen in the blood.  This is why the above results were found in long term studies.

Hopefully I’ve done this justice.  Special thanks to Mark Anderson from Standard Process West for communicating this information.

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to

Monday, March 25, 2013

What's All The Hype About Superfoods?

It seems as if every day the next “superfood” is introduced.  It is usually from some exotic locale; it has just recently been discovered by someone and saved their life; it will cure all diseases known to man; and it is featured in the latest and greatest multi-level marketing program that is guaranteed to make you a millionaire.  Also, it is generally rather expensive to buy!  Some of the most recent examples include: goji berries, acai berries, Mona Vie juice, chia seeds, seaweeds, spirulina, dark chocolate, and of course all kinds of superfoods combined in green, red, orange, or purple powders to mix in your smoothie.

Please, don’t get me wrong.  I’m in no way saying that these foods are not good for you.  I’m sure they have many of the “super” qualities being touted.  I’m only suggesting that there are many other foods that are probably just as “super” but do not have multi-million dollar marketing campaigns promoting them and will not take as huge a bite out of your wallet.  Also, many of these products claim to cure or reverse aging, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.  While they may contribute to improved health these claims are likely stretching the truth to some extent.  

Wikipedia has the following definition, “Superfood is a term used in various contexts. For example, it is sometimes used to describe food with high nutrient or phytochemical content that may confer health benefits.”  We are also told, “They are superior sources of anti-oxidants and essential nutrients - nutrients we need but cannot make ourselves.”

Here’s the part I like the best, “The term is not in common use by dietitians and nutrition scientists, many of whom dispute that particular foodstuffs have the health benefits often claimed by advocates of particular superfoods. There is no legal definition of the term and it has been alleged that this has led to it being misleadingly used as a marketing tool.”  This is exactly my concern.  Terminology is being thrown around without any agreed upon definition of what exactly a “superfood” is, should be, or should do!

So, are there really “superfoods?”  My answer is yes, but you don’t have to travel all over the world to find them nor do you have to surrender your whole paycheck to buy them.  Superfoods are real foods.  Most of them are located in a grocery store or farm near you.  For example, you don’t have to buy exotic berries.  Blueberries, strawberries, or blackberries work just fine.  

What does my list of “superfoods” look like?  This is In no special order.  The best fruits are berries.  Raw nuts and seeds are a great source of protein and fat.  In the vegetable family it is the dark leafy greens (such as kale, collard greens, Swiss chard, mustard greens, and beet greens) and the Cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage).  In the animal family there is grass fed beef, antibiotic and hormone free chicken and turkey, and fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines which are high in Omega 3’s.  For more details on my list of top foods to eat, click here and here .

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Risks of Nutrient Deficiencies for Vegetarians

As I have written before there are many theories about what makes a proper human diet.  And, what makes it more confusing is that you can always find a study to support each theory.   One of the main arguments is whether or not humans should eat meat.  From my personal experience and that of my clients I believe that we should.  Yet at the same time I believe that a vegan or vegetarian or plant based diet can be very good for someone for a particular period of time.  It can be healing.  

But, here are some key questions.  What is the plant based diet being compared to?  What did the person eat before?  Is the diet in and of itself healthy and providing all the nutrients or is it just cleaning up what was there?  The answer could be yes, no, or maybe.  Will this same diet provide long term health?  What is the significance of the age the diet is started?  

When we discuss animal product the most important question is the source.  It is a healthy animal raised in a healthy manner?  Or, is it a factory farmed animal raised in confinement on hormones, antibiotics, and food that it would not eat in nature?  All of this makes a huge difference.

From my own personal experience I was a vegetarian for five years before studying nutrition.  Yes, on that diet I certainly became healthier.  I got my weight down from over 180 pounds to 150.  However, I still suffered from seasonal asthma and needed an inhaler; I had virgin teeth that cracked;  I could not get my weight below 150; I had high triglycerides levels; and less than optimal cholesterol levels . Once I started to consume animal products from healthy sources my weight got down to 140, I don’t have the seasonal asthma, and my triglycerides and cholesterol are in healthy ranges.

At the end of the day diet is a personal choice.  My personal belief and from my studies and experience I believe that we need food that has animal origin.  Some of this will be explained below.  Also, there are many definitions of “vegetarian” and what that specific person will or will not eat.  This is beyond the scope of this article.  The purpose of this article is informational and to explain possible nutrient deficiencies that may occur in some vegetarians from not eating sufficient animal product.

As we begin to explore these specific nutrients you will notice one underlying theme.  Vitamins come in many forms.  I’ll explain using theoretical Vitamin X.  While we may call it Vitamin X (and the government allows it to be labeled as Vitamin X), this Vitamin X has different chemistry in animals and plants.  Since we are an animal, the animal form is more bioavailable to us.  The plant form needs to be converted in our body into the animal form.  Often times that process is not very efficient and that is where potential deficiencies can begin.  

Also, I will not detail the functions of the various nutrients in this article.  I will provide links to other articles for that information.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is also known as Beta-carotene.  But, it gets confusing because they are not the same substance!  Vitamin A (more specifically called Retinol) is found only in animal products, such as butter, egg yolks, liver, organ meats and shellfish.  Beta-carotene is found in plant food, such as carrots, red bell peppers, sweet potatoes, winter squash, and leafy greens (collard greens, kale, spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens).  For the animal product to be a good source of Vitamin A, the animal needs to be eating green foods, such as cows eating green grass.  

When we consume Beta-carotene from plants (or vitamin supplements) our body has to convert it into Vitamin A.  And guess what - we aren't that efficient in doing that.  A variety of conversion ratios have been found based on different populations and experiments.  The bottom line is that some people convert better than others.  In fact, it may be nearly impossible to eat the amount of vegetables required to actually get what we need on daily basis. 

It has also been found that large doses of beta-carotene supplements have led to increases in cancer mortality and total mortality in human trials.  It was found that these massive doses increased oxidative stress and stimulated the production of enzymes that degraded true vitamin A. This caused a cellular vitamin A deficiency and the resulting cancer.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D – the “vitamin du jour” as I like to say.  It certainly is in the news almost every day and it even has its very own “council” (The Vitamin D Council).  I don’t think any other vitamin has achieved that status!  Let me cut through the clutter for you – Vitamin D is very important and most of us don’t get enough of it – meat eaters and vegetarians!  

When we discuss Vitamin D we need to understand there are two main forms.  Humans and animals synthesize vitamin D3 in their skin from exposure to the Sun.  Vitamin D2 is found in some plant foods, especially mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet light. Studies have shown that Vitamin D2 may be five to ten times less effective at supporting long-term nutritional status.

In addition, Vitamin D is “fat soluble.”  That means you need fat for it to be properly utilized by the body.  Many vegetarian diets are low in fat diet.  This may impact their ability to effectively utilize the Vitamin D.  

Where do we get Vitamin D?  The number one source is the Sun.  It is also found in eggs, fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, sardines, tuna, and trout), liver, and milk products.

Vitamin K2

Vitamin K also comes in two forms: K1 and K2. Vitamin K1 is found in green plants, while vitamin K2 is found in animal fats and fermented foods. One of these fermented foods is natto, a soy food commonly consumed in Japan, but not elsewhere.  Therefore, the vegetarian not eating natto may be at risk for a deficiency of Vitamin K2.

Vitamin K - easy to remember - K is for "clotting", well there is actually lots more to it!  Vitamin K1 is known for activating blood clotting.  Vitamin K2 is used for all of vitamin K’s other functions, primarily bone mineralization. Therefore, these  two K vitamins are not interchangeable. 

For more information on Vitamins A, D, and K please click here

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 may be one of the most important of all the B vitamins, particularly because only true bioavailable B12 comes from animal sources.  There is no such thing as "vegan" or "vegetarian" B12 as far as your body goes.  Most supplements supply cyanocobalamin and call it B12.  In this chemical each molecule of B12 is attached to a molecule of cyanide. Since vitamin B12 detoxifies cyanide by binding it and causing its excretion in the urine, this form has poor bioavailability in most people.

Vitamin B12 needs along with it what is known as "intrinsic factor" which comes from animals.  Fortunately B12 (as other B vitamins) will store in the body, but over time you can become deficient.  In fact, a good friend of mine, after years of being a vegetarian has reintroduced more animal product into her diet after seeing a live blood analysis showing a lack of B12 and a move towards anemia.

B12 is available from animal products such as fish (halibut, salmon, scallops, shrimp, and snapper are best sources), lamb, beef, organ meats, and yogurt.  It is important for the blood, digestive, hepatic, and nervous systems.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 occurs in three forms: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal. Plant foods contain pyridoxine, while animal foods contain pyridoxal and pyridoxamine. The human body requires pyridoxal for most functions, pyridoxamine for a few others. Pyridoxine has no role in the human body but can be converted into the other two forms in the liver using vitamin B2.

Therefore, the plant form of vitamin B6 in order to be useful to the body depends upon the status of vitamin B2.  Also, as you would likely expect vitamin B2 levels tend to be higher in animal foods so again the vegetarian is at risk with their plant based diet.  Another issue with plant foods is that much of their B6 is bound up with sugars that make it difficult or impossible to absorb. So we have both B2 and B6 risks.

Vegetarians should select plant foods that have the least amount of their pyridoxine bound up in sugar complexes. Bananas are an excellent source because the sugar-bound form is low, their total content is comparable to many meats, and they are typically eaten raw. Most plant foods are relatively poor sources, however, and B6 intake would be much higher on a mixed diet including muscle meats, seafood and organ meats.

The best plant sources are bananas, mushrooms, nutritional yeast, and wheat germ.  The best animal sources are fish (cod, halibut, snapper, salmon, and tuna), lean beef, organ meats, and poultry.
To read more about the B Vitamins click here


Zinc is one of the most important minerals for the body.  Essentially it is involved with enzymes and enzymes control every reaction in the body.  Enough said?  To read more about zinc click here

Zinc is present in both animal and plant foods.  As is the theme of this article it all comes down to its bioavailability once in the human body.  While zinc is present in grains, legumes, fruits and vegetables, it is found in much lower concentrations compared to animal foods. In addition, zinc absorption in the body is inhibited by plant compounds such as phytate, oxalate, polyphenols and fiber, and enhanced by compounds present in meat. It is possible for a well planned vegetarian diet to escape zinc deficiency, it is difficult to maintain a truly healthy zinc status without eating animal foods.

Zinc we are often told is good for the immune system.  True, but apparently viruses like it too!  What does that mean?  Taking that zinc lozenge may not always be the best idea if it is a virus you are fighting.

Animal sources of zinc are Cheddar cheese, lamb, lean beef and pork, liver, milk,  poultry, seafood (crabs, oysters, shrimp), and yogurt.  Plant sources of zinc are almonds, beets, carrots, cashews, green peas, mushrooms, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, spinach, wheat germ, and whole grains.

Essential Fatty Acids

The essential fatty acids are better known as the “omega” family, featuring the 3’s, 6’s, and 9’s.  These are polyunsaturated fats and whenever we hear the word “essential” in nutrition it means that we must eat these nutrients, as our body does not manufacture them.  We need all the essential fatty acids.  The issue here again is balance.  Omega 6’s are considered “pro-inflammatory” while Omega 3’s are “anti-inflammatory.”  And you guessed it – the vegetarian diet is more prone to Omega 6’s. 

Our body was designed to consume the Omega 3’s and 6’s in relatively equal amounts (you’ll see anywhere from 1:1 to 2:1 Omega 6’s to 3’s in the nutrition literature), most Americans are in the 20:1 to 50:1 ratio.  Why?  Omega 6’s are found heavily in grains – the foods featured in many vegetarian diets.  Omega 3’s are found in cold water wild fish, something not too prevalent in most vegetarian diets.  In fact, vegetarians have 30 percent lower levels of EPA and DHA than omnivores, while vegans have over 50 percent lower EPA and almost 60 percent lower DHA.

Plant sources of the essential fatty acids include: black current seed oil, evening primrose oil, flaxseed, lecithin, linseed oil, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, wheat germ, and winter squash.  Animal sources include seafood (halibut, salmon, scallops, shrimp, snapper, and tuna) and grass-fed beef.

There are a few things you should know about flax seeds.  First, beware of the marketing hype! If the flax seed is whole your body can not break it down.  We can only work with flax seed in the form of meal or oil.  If you buy flax seeds grind them up in a coffee grinder and store them in the refrigerator.  As a polyunsaturated fat they go rancid very quickly, so only grind up a small amount.  The ground flax you get in the store likely has preservatives added to keep it “fresh”, but the oils are likely already rancid.  

Second, we are told that flax seed contain Omega 3’s.  This is true.  However it is not DHA or EPA meaning the body has to convert it.  And guess what – once again this is not a very efficient process in the body.

To read more about the Essential Fatty Acids click here

Bernard Rosen, PhD is a Nutrition Consultant and Educator. He works with individuals, groups, and at corporations to create individualized nutrition and wellness programs. His office is in Mequon, WI. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, e-mail at, call (262) 389-9907 or go to