Friday, May 30, 2014

Announcing - a new health education website

Never underestimate the power of networking! Several months ago I was introduced to David Guinther by a mutual friend in Madison. David is an awesome guy. In a nutshell he is a prostate cancer survivor who now devotes significant energy to helping other men live healthier. He offers education and information to both help prevent prostate cancer and to support those who are currently battling it. While we don’t hear much about it, prostate cancer will impact 1 in 6 men at some point in their life.

David has several health ventures going. One of them is Viggor – which David calls, “… a guiding light on your journey to improve your health and quality of life. Our Expert panel is driven by a common desire to freely share their training, experience, research, insights, and knowhow with you…” We are just up and running, but check it out; there is something there for everybody!

In addition to David and myself there are two more contributing experts. Meet Dr. Geo Espinosa, a naturopathic doctor recognized as an authority in integrative management of urological and prostate conditions. Dr. Geo is the founder and director of the Integrative Urology Center at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City. 

Together, David and Dr. Geo created XYWellness a company focused on integrative approaches to improving the health of men diagnosed with serious urological conditions. David and Dr. Geo have been inspirational and supportive in getting me back on track in writing my book on men’s health. You’ll be hearing more on that in coming months.

The fourth contributor/expert at Viggor is David’s wife Amy Guinther. She is an acupuncturist and owns Madison Acupuncture and Complimentary Medicine.
Check us out

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Adrenal Summit - An Event You Don't Want to Miss!

The Adrenal Summit – Well Worth Participating!

Meet Glen Depke, Depke Wellness, and his awesome program The Adrenal Summit. I met Glen several years ago at a wellness seminar. At the time he worked for Dr. Mercola in the Chicago area. He has since moved on to his own practice in sunny Southern California. Glen is an awesome practitioner and educator. His newsletters are filled with important information and I’ll often post and tweet them to my network.

Earlier this year he orchestrated The Adrenal Summit. It consists of thirteen interviews with specific topic experts. While it is called The Adrenal Summit it addresses much more. It connects the dots between adrenal health and the many areas that influence it including diet, exercise, food sensitivities, blood sugar management, stress management, immune system health, thyroid health, emotional health and more. 

The interviews have been recorded and you can purchase the series for $97. It is a great deal as all the practitioners offer free gifts. But unlike what you often see, these free gifts are of real value. I strongly encourage you to see what Glen has to offer. As I said earlier, I don’t usually hawk other people’s products. But this is well worth it. I have personally listened to all the interviews myself and have gained a greater understanding of these issues. Here is a link to The Adrenal Summit home page.