are great for energy, right?
Carbohydrates are one of the more controversial of
the macronutrients. You will see heated
debates illustrating the benefits of both low carbohydrate diets and high
carbohydrate diets. The Standard
American Diet (SAD) has become a high carbohydrate diet. Many experts believe this has fueled the
current health crisis and the rising rates of obesity, heart disease, and
diabetes. These experts prefer a diet
based more on protein and fat.
We use carbohydrates for energy. They provide quick energy. Carbohydrates are converted into blood
glucose which feeds our brain and red blood cells. Ever notice how irritable
you get when hungry? The brain does not
operate very well without nourishment. When
we need energy our brain lets us know!
So, no argument whether or not we need
carbohydrates. The critical point is how
much of our diet should be devoted to carbohydrates, what the source of the
carbohydrate should be, and what other forms of energy are available to
We have two main options for energy: carbohydrates
and fat. When it comes to providing
energy for our body each does it differently.
Think of a fire. A carbohydrate
is like a piece of paper. You put it in
the paper and it burns up quickly and to keep the fire burning more paper is
needed quickly. Fat is like a log. It burns smoothly, steady, and for a much longer
period of time. What can we
conclude? Carbohydrates will certainly
help us in the short term, but for sustained energy over the long term fat is
the fuel of choice.
If you find your energy levels going up and down all
day with blood sugar highs and crashes then you are likely fueling yourself
primarily with carbohydrates. If you
find your energy levels smooth and even throughout the day you are likely
getting a good mixture for your body and activity level.
carbohydrates are best for me?
When most of us think carbohydrate we think grains,
breads, and sweets. They are not the
only choice. Vegetables and fruits
contain carbohydrates as well.
Remember this simple equation. To your body: CARBOHYDRATE = SUGAR! That’s all you need to know. If we consume
lots of carbohydrates (like 60% or more of our diet as recommended by the USDA)
we consume lots of sugar. While sugar
can be used for energy, excess sugar is converted into fat and stored and has
many adverse affects on the body. The
bottom line - it is sugar (excess carbohydrates) that makes us fat! The experts that I referenced above recommend
that carbohydrates be approximately 30-40% of your daily calories and no more
than 150 grams per day. If you are
looking to balance blood sugars and lose weight they will go as low as 60 grams
per day.
For a more complete look at the dangers of excess
sugar I recommend this web site:
and particularly this page:
The best source of carbohydrates is VEGETABLES.
They can be eaten as raw or steamed, preferably the lower
carbohydrate vegetables (leafy greens, broccoli, and cauliflower) with two
meals per day and snacks. It is best to
limit the starchy vegetables (potatoes, yams, corn, squash, and peas) to 3-4
times per week. Raw vegetable salads and
soups are another great source and can be consumed daily.
It is best to practice balance and moderation of grains
and fruits. It is best to limit grains
to 1-2 times per day maximum. If you are trying to lose weight, even less
than that is appropriate. The best
grains are: sprouted grain bread: such
as “Ezekiel”; whole grain breads/crackers; whole grains - brown rice, quinoa,
bulgur, millet, wild rice; and brown rice pasta. Fruits should be limited so that fructose
consumption is less than 25 grams per day.
using sweeteners it is best to stick with the following: Stevia (a natural
sweetener); raw honey; and pure maple syrup.
The carbohydrates to avoid as best as possible
(hopefully there is nothing surprising in this list!): refined/white flour; refined/white
grains; cookies, cakes, pastries; white sugar, brown sugar, all sweeteners not
listed above; processed refined grain cold and hot cereals; and all artificial
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